24 - Season Three DVD
Editorial Reviews
There's not one cougar to be found in 24's dynamic third season, and that's good news for everyone. After Jack Bauer's daughter Kim (Elisha Cuthbert) survived hokey hazards in season 2, she's now a full-time staffer at CTU, the L.A.-based intelligence beehive that's abuzz once again--three years after the events of "Day Two"--when a vengeful terrorist threatens to release a lethal virus that could wipe out much of the country's population. Jack (Kiefer Sutherland) attempts to broker a deal for the virus involving drug kingpin Ramon Salazar (Joaquim de Almeida), whose operation Jack successfully infiltrated at high personal cost: to maintain his cover, he got hooked on heroin. That potentially deadly triangle--drug lords, addiction, and bioterrorism on a massive scale--sets the 24-hour clock ticking in a tight, action-packed plot involving a potential traitor in CTU's midst; the return of TV's greatest villainesses in Nina Meyers (Sarah Clarke) and former First Lady Sherry Palmer (Penny Johnson Jerald); a troubled romance between Kim and Jack's new partner Chase (James Badge Dale); and a scandalized reelection campaign by president David Palmer (Dennis Haysbert), who monitors CTU as they struggle to (literally) save the day.
The intricately woven subplots that are 24's greatest strength are masterfully developed here, and character arcs are equally strong, especially among CTU staffers Tony (Carlos Bernard) and his wife Michelle (Reiko Aylesworth); CTU director Ryan Chappelle (Paul Schulze), who is season 2's tragic bargaining chip; and the annoying but well-intentioned Chloe O'Brian (Mary Lynn Rajskub), who makes pivotal contributions with by-the-book efficiency. It's 24's superior casting that overcomes the series' occasional lapses in credibility, and season 3's twists make marathon viewing a nerve-wracking delight. By the time it's all over, 24 once again leaves you gratefully exhausted. As always, Sutherland anchors the series in the role he was born to play. When Jack takes a private moment to release 24 hours' worth of near-fatal tension and psychological anguish, Sutherland proves that 24's dramatic priorities are as important as its thriller momentum. DVD extras include behind-the-scenes featurettes (about the prison break sequence, climactic F-18 Hornet air-strike, and real-life bio-weaponry) that pay welcome tribute to the series' hard-working crew, who create Emmy-worthy television under pressures as intense as 24 itself. by Jeff Shannon
Spotlight customer reviews
Summary: Fantastic !
Comment: If you have not been watching 24, start at season one and watch them all. I think this is one of the best shows on television, period. Keifer does an awesome job. The supporting characters have been well chosen. A top notch series.
Customer Rating:

Summary: this is drama/suspense at its best
Comment: i've read reviews from people here. i don't know how anyone can give this season less than a perfect score. not only am i on edge between each episode, im on edge after each commercial break. the first 4 episodes are slower, but they are the foundation that leads up to the rest of the season. the depth and pure adrenaline of this show are something i can't put into words. with all of the #$@#$ that is on tv these days, this is a refreshing, well thought out show that keeps anyone on the edge of their seat.
Summary: 24: Season Three (2003-2004)
Comment: 24 has returned to us fans for a third round of thrills and chills as Jack Bauer comes head on collision with his third worst day of his life.
It has been three years since the events of Season Two. JACK BAUER (again played by Kiefer Sutherland) has long since returned to CTU and is again working as the head of CTU. TONY ALMEIDA (again played by Carlos Bernard) is sort of assisting Jack in running CTU. MICHELLE DESSLER (again played by Reiko Aylesworth) is still in her usual position at CTU, as well as being married to Tony. But CTU has three new employees since the events of Season Two. First, we have CHLOE O'BRIAN (played by Mary Lynn Rajskub), a computer programmer who is very rude (without trying to be) to her co-workers, but Chloe is a good person deep down inside. The second new employee is...KIM BAUER (again played by Elisha Cuthbert), Jack's beautiful daughter. Jack has gotten Kim the job, for he wants to make sure that she is close to him whenever something out of hand comes up. The third is CHASE EDMUNDS (played by James Badge Dale), who goes out on Field Ops, with Jack by his side, for he is Jack's partner. Chase is even dating Kim.
The FBI receives a dead body that has been infected with a deadly virus. The FBI informs CTU of the situation, and as it would turn out, CTU and the FBI reveal that the U.S. could be under attack of another deadly terrorist attack. This time, the terrorists are releasing a deadly virus that is extremely fatal.
Working with CTU on this day's threats is none other than...PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER (again played by Dennis Haysbert). Side by side, David and CTU do all they can to stop this deadly virus from escaping. In order for Jack to do this right, he has to break a former nemisis out of jail...Ramone Salazaar. Six months ago, Jack had been on assignment, under cover. He had been tracking down Ramone and his brother, Hector, two Druglord Mexicans. In order for Jack to have caught Ramone, he had to become addicted to heroine. But now, after throwing him in jail, Jack has to break him out, since Ramone is connected to today's attacks. He breaks him out, but Ramone has dooped Jack, by kidnapping him in revenge of being betrayed and thrown in Jail.
Ramone arrives in Mexico with Jack, where Ramone and Hector will be buying the deadly virus. Jack works up his charm as he did six months ago and earns their trust again. But Jack is interested in buying the virus in order to destroy it. As Jack and the Salazaar's head into the building where the virus will be sold to them, Jack is shocked to learn there is another buyer and that mystery buyer is...NINA MYERS (again played by Sarah Clarke). Ramone gets the virus, but Nina had dooped him, where that particular virus vial was rigged with bomb, blowing up both Ramone and Hector. But there are more terrorists involved with this virus. Arriving in Mexico to Jack's rescue is Chase. He and Jack take Nina back to CTU for questioning.
Jack and Chase arrive at CTU with Nina, where Tony questions Nina, but Nina tries for an attempted suicide, just to make an escape. Since Nina has arrived, Kim has been feeling a severe anger, since Nina is the one who killed Kim's mother. She heads downstairs and finds Nina trying to escape again. With a gun aimed at her, Kim warns Nina to stand back or she'll shoot. But Nina, with her gun, aims right at Kim. Before she could shoot, Jack comes in and shoots Nina in the shoulder. He has Kim head upstairs. He stands over Nina and shoots Nina to death. All I have to say is simply this...DING-DONG! THE B*TCH IS DEAD!
As Jack tries to handle today's events from his end, David has SHERRY PALMER (again played by Penny Johnson Jerald) come in and help. Mainly because David's biggest campaign advisor, Alan Milikan, is giving David problems, for David's brother, who is there with David, had an affair with Alan's wife Julia. But Sherry really messed up this time, for she intentionly killed Alan screaming at him horribly for his threats against David, which leads him into a fatal heartattack. Hours later, Sherry and her brother-in-law show up at Julia's where Julia shoots Sherry to death and then kills herself.
Jack and Chase are still on the hunt for the last of the virus vials. They have since settled the terrorists by killing them. They find and destroy each and every vial. Kim and Chase have been dating, as I said earlier, for three months. Jack, at first, had been enraged, but has come to approve and accept that. Tony's life has now been drastically altered, for during this ordeal, he had committed treason. Michelle had been kidnapped, which led Tony into saving his wife, while risking the lives of millions of innocent American people. But the ordeal of today's events has been successfully settled one again by Jack Bauer, along with the help of Michelle, Tony (considering his act of treason), Chloe, Chase, and Kim, while David reveals to Jack, his one true friend, that this term of his Presidency will be his one and only term.
WHOA! This season had me on the edge of my seat way more than the first two seasons had. I'm just glad that Sherry and Nina had got what those two b*tches had coming to them, with Jack, once again, saving the day. This is season is awaiting your buy.
Episode List
24 Season Three Castlist
Kiefer Sutherland: JACK BAUER
Elisha Cuthbert: KIM BAUER
James Badge Dale: CHASE EDMUNDS
Carlos Bernard: TONY ALMEIDA
Reiko Aylesworth: MICHELLE DESSLER
Mary Lynn Rajskub: CHLOE O'BRIAN
Sarah Clarke: NINA MYERS
Penny Johnson Jerald: SHERRY PALMER
Summary: The Best Season to Date
Comment: Season 3 of suspense thriller 24 served up the most suspenseful and most emotional season of the show to date.
Set three years after season 2, Jack Bauer (Keifer Sutherland) is working with a partner named Chase (James Badge Dale). Jack's daughter Kim (Elisha Cuthbert) is also working for the LA branch of CTU (Counter Terrorism Unit). President Palmer (Dennis Haysbert), meanwhile, is running for reelection.
This particular bad day starts at 1 PM, when Jack learns of plan to release a virus unless a criminal he just spent six months trying to arrest is freed. This leads to a chain reaction of events trying to get a hold of the virus before it is released into the population which includes hunting down drug dealers, a prison riot, a trip to Mexico, and time in a high rise hotel. The terrorists seem to be one step ahead of Jack and CTU the entire time.
President Palmer, meanwhile, is facing tough rumors again, this time targeting his doctor and new girlfriend. But that's nothing compared to what happens when his main backer demands that Palmer fire his chief of staff, who also happens to be his brother (D. B. Woodside).
To me this is the best season to date. The first few hours are a bit scattered, but things come into focus much earlier then previous seasons and once the story gets going, it stays strong. While there are still a couple soap opera plots, they are kept to a minimum this year. The biggest improvement is Kim's storyline. Since she's working at CTU, we don't get any crazy storylines with her, but things that actually move forward the main story. And the second half of the season gets really intense. The early morning hours especially are emotionally hard to get through. But the episodes where things don't work out are what make this show so wonderful.
Fox again has released a wonderful season set for the show. All 24 episodes are presented on six discs in wide screen and surround sound audio. There are a total of 45 deleted scenes scattered over the six discs and each disc has one audio commentary from various members of the cast and crew. The seventh disc in this set is devoted solely to extras. The 45 deleted scenes are collected in one place, this time with optional commentary by the producers. In edition, there are special features on the gadgets of the show and the reality of a biothreat. Finally, there are a couple teasers and mini-scenes that bridge the gap betweens season 3 and 4.
While I am addicted to several serialized shows, this is by far the most addictive of the lot. Plan plenty of time to watch this season because once you start, you won't want to stop.
Summary: Another bad day for Jack
Comment: How many bad days can one man have? That was what many were wondering when the 3rd series of classic drama 24 was announced. Would the format tire? The answer is emphatically no, it is another classic series.
3 years on from the 2nd series and Jack is now a heroin junkie (all in the course of duty), it is scarcely believable but as the plot advances the reasons become clear. The early episodes of this series are great, you are lead to believe again that Jack has lost the plot as he seemingly goes on a tirade of law breaking, but as always Jack has his reasons. Another fantastic episode happens around half way through the series when Jack apparently eliminates the terrorist threat, only for the true enemy to surface. It may no longer be original but it is exciting TV and the twists and turns keep coming. You are left in suspense until the final episode, where there is another great, though more predictable ending. The best storyline however involves Ryan Chapelle, anyone who has watched will know what I am talking about, I wont spoil it for the rest of you, but it is a surprising turn in the plot.
Series 3 is essentially more of the same, if like me you loved the first 2 series you will love this. Anyone who hasn't seen it before I would advise to watch the series in order as everything makes more sense then, but this is again unmissable drama.
Comment: If you have not been watching 24, start at season one and watch them all. I think this is one of the best shows on television, period. Keifer does an awesome job. The supporting characters have been well chosen. A top notch series.
Customer Rating:

Summary: this is drama/suspense at its best
Comment: i've read reviews from people here. i don't know how anyone can give this season less than a perfect score. not only am i on edge between each episode, im on edge after each commercial break. the first 4 episodes are slower, but they are the foundation that leads up to the rest of the season. the depth and pure adrenaline of this show are something i can't put into words. with all of the #$@#$ that is on tv these days, this is a refreshing, well thought out show that keeps anyone on the edge of their seat.
Summary: 24: Season Three (2003-2004)
Comment: 24 has returned to us fans for a third round of thrills and chills as Jack Bauer comes head on collision with his third worst day of his life.
It has been three years since the events of Season Two. JACK BAUER (again played by Kiefer Sutherland) has long since returned to CTU and is again working as the head of CTU. TONY ALMEIDA (again played by Carlos Bernard) is sort of assisting Jack in running CTU. MICHELLE DESSLER (again played by Reiko Aylesworth) is still in her usual position at CTU, as well as being married to Tony. But CTU has three new employees since the events of Season Two. First, we have CHLOE O'BRIAN (played by Mary Lynn Rajskub), a computer programmer who is very rude (without trying to be) to her co-workers, but Chloe is a good person deep down inside. The second new employee is...KIM BAUER (again played by Elisha Cuthbert), Jack's beautiful daughter. Jack has gotten Kim the job, for he wants to make sure that she is close to him whenever something out of hand comes up. The third is CHASE EDMUNDS (played by James Badge Dale), who goes out on Field Ops, with Jack by his side, for he is Jack's partner. Chase is even dating Kim.
The FBI receives a dead body that has been infected with a deadly virus. The FBI informs CTU of the situation, and as it would turn out, CTU and the FBI reveal that the U.S. could be under attack of another deadly terrorist attack. This time, the terrorists are releasing a deadly virus that is extremely fatal.
Working with CTU on this day's threats is none other than...PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER (again played by Dennis Haysbert). Side by side, David and CTU do all they can to stop this deadly virus from escaping. In order for Jack to do this right, he has to break a former nemisis out of jail...Ramone Salazaar. Six months ago, Jack had been on assignment, under cover. He had been tracking down Ramone and his brother, Hector, two Druglord Mexicans. In order for Jack to have caught Ramone, he had to become addicted to heroine. But now, after throwing him in jail, Jack has to break him out, since Ramone is connected to today's attacks. He breaks him out, but Ramone has dooped Jack, by kidnapping him in revenge of being betrayed and thrown in Jail.
Ramone arrives in Mexico with Jack, where Ramone and Hector will be buying the deadly virus. Jack works up his charm as he did six months ago and earns their trust again. But Jack is interested in buying the virus in order to destroy it. As Jack and the Salazaar's head into the building where the virus will be sold to them, Jack is shocked to learn there is another buyer and that mystery buyer is...NINA MYERS (again played by Sarah Clarke). Ramone gets the virus, but Nina had dooped him, where that particular virus vial was rigged with bomb, blowing up both Ramone and Hector. But there are more terrorists involved with this virus. Arriving in Mexico to Jack's rescue is Chase. He and Jack take Nina back to CTU for questioning.
Jack and Chase arrive at CTU with Nina, where Tony questions Nina, but Nina tries for an attempted suicide, just to make an escape. Since Nina has arrived, Kim has been feeling a severe anger, since Nina is the one who killed Kim's mother. She heads downstairs and finds Nina trying to escape again. With a gun aimed at her, Kim warns Nina to stand back or she'll shoot. But Nina, with her gun, aims right at Kim. Before she could shoot, Jack comes in and shoots Nina in the shoulder. He has Kim head upstairs. He stands over Nina and shoots Nina to death. All I have to say is simply this...DING-DONG! THE B*TCH IS DEAD!
As Jack tries to handle today's events from his end, David has SHERRY PALMER (again played by Penny Johnson Jerald) come in and help. Mainly because David's biggest campaign advisor, Alan Milikan, is giving David problems, for David's brother, who is there with David, had an affair with Alan's wife Julia. But Sherry really messed up this time, for she intentionly killed Alan screaming at him horribly for his threats against David, which leads him into a fatal heartattack. Hours later, Sherry and her brother-in-law show up at Julia's where Julia shoots Sherry to death and then kills herself.
Jack and Chase are still on the hunt for the last of the virus vials. They have since settled the terrorists by killing them. They find and destroy each and every vial. Kim and Chase have been dating, as I said earlier, for three months. Jack, at first, had been enraged, but has come to approve and accept that. Tony's life has now been drastically altered, for during this ordeal, he had committed treason. Michelle had been kidnapped, which led Tony into saving his wife, while risking the lives of millions of innocent American people. But the ordeal of today's events has been successfully settled one again by Jack Bauer, along with the help of Michelle, Tony (considering his act of treason), Chloe, Chase, and Kim, while David reveals to Jack, his one true friend, that this term of his Presidency will be his one and only term.
WHOA! This season had me on the edge of my seat way more than the first two seasons had. I'm just glad that Sherry and Nina had got what those two b*tches had coming to them, with Jack, once again, saving the day. This is season is awaiting your buy.
Episode List
24 Season Three Castlist
Kiefer Sutherland: JACK BAUER
Elisha Cuthbert: KIM BAUER
James Badge Dale: CHASE EDMUNDS
Carlos Bernard: TONY ALMEIDA
Reiko Aylesworth: MICHELLE DESSLER
Mary Lynn Rajskub: CHLOE O'BRIAN
Sarah Clarke: NINA MYERS
Penny Johnson Jerald: SHERRY PALMER
Summary: The Best Season to Date
Comment: Season 3 of suspense thriller 24 served up the most suspenseful and most emotional season of the show to date.
Set three years after season 2, Jack Bauer (Keifer Sutherland) is working with a partner named Chase (James Badge Dale). Jack's daughter Kim (Elisha Cuthbert) is also working for the LA branch of CTU (Counter Terrorism Unit). President Palmer (Dennis Haysbert), meanwhile, is running for reelection.
This particular bad day starts at 1 PM, when Jack learns of plan to release a virus unless a criminal he just spent six months trying to arrest is freed. This leads to a chain reaction of events trying to get a hold of the virus before it is released into the population which includes hunting down drug dealers, a prison riot, a trip to Mexico, and time in a high rise hotel. The terrorists seem to be one step ahead of Jack and CTU the entire time.
President Palmer, meanwhile, is facing tough rumors again, this time targeting his doctor and new girlfriend. But that's nothing compared to what happens when his main backer demands that Palmer fire his chief of staff, who also happens to be his brother (D. B. Woodside).
To me this is the best season to date. The first few hours are a bit scattered, but things come into focus much earlier then previous seasons and once the story gets going, it stays strong. While there are still a couple soap opera plots, they are kept to a minimum this year. The biggest improvement is Kim's storyline. Since she's working at CTU, we don't get any crazy storylines with her, but things that actually move forward the main story. And the second half of the season gets really intense. The early morning hours especially are emotionally hard to get through. But the episodes where things don't work out are what make this show so wonderful.
Fox again has released a wonderful season set for the show. All 24 episodes are presented on six discs in wide screen and surround sound audio. There are a total of 45 deleted scenes scattered over the six discs and each disc has one audio commentary from various members of the cast and crew. The seventh disc in this set is devoted solely to extras. The 45 deleted scenes are collected in one place, this time with optional commentary by the producers. In edition, there are special features on the gadgets of the show and the reality of a biothreat. Finally, there are a couple teasers and mini-scenes that bridge the gap betweens season 3 and 4.
While I am addicted to several serialized shows, this is by far the most addictive of the lot. Plan plenty of time to watch this season because once you start, you won't want to stop.
Summary: Another bad day for Jack
Comment: How many bad days can one man have? That was what many were wondering when the 3rd series of classic drama 24 was announced. Would the format tire? The answer is emphatically no, it is another classic series.
3 years on from the 2nd series and Jack is now a heroin junkie (all in the course of duty), it is scarcely believable but as the plot advances the reasons become clear. The early episodes of this series are great, you are lead to believe again that Jack has lost the plot as he seemingly goes on a tirade of law breaking, but as always Jack has his reasons. Another fantastic episode happens around half way through the series when Jack apparently eliminates the terrorist threat, only for the true enemy to surface. It may no longer be original but it is exciting TV and the twists and turns keep coming. You are left in suspense until the final episode, where there is another great, though more predictable ending. The best storyline however involves Ryan Chapelle, anyone who has watched will know what I am talking about, I wont spoil it for the rest of you, but it is a surprising turn in the plot.
Series 3 is essentially more of the same, if like me you loved the first 2 series you will love this. Anyone who hasn't seen it before I would advise to watch the series in order as everything makes more sense then, but this is again unmissable drama.
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